Having a mentor is like having an older sibling or cousin. They are a positive role model that can give advice on topics like school, careers, friends, culture, and more -- or just hang out and have fun!
About Us
Our lifelong identity, values, and behaviors develop at a young age, around ages 10 to 17. During this time, young Eritreans are also often navigating their Eritrean and American cultural identities. The founders of Eritrean Youth Mentorship Program realized that not many Eritrean programs target this important age group, and decided to create EYMP.
The Eritrean Youth Mentorship Program provides a space for youth, parents, and young adults to mentor and learn from each other, fostering stronger relationships within the Eritrean community. Our programs provide Eritrean youth with role models that can help them navigate school, careers, friends, culture, and many other challenges of young adulthood. We do this through individual mentoring, group mentoring, and community building events.
Youth who have mentors are:
more likely to attend college
more likely to hold leadership positions in the future
less likely to skip school

Individual Mentoring
One child, or mentee, builds a relationship with one mentor, based on the mentee's interests and needs. Mentors serve as positive role models as mentees shape their attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors.

A group of mentees and mentors get together to discuss a special topic, such as confidence, heath, or financial literacy. Anyone in the Eritrean community can attend a group mentoring event.

Community Building
Mentors and mentees come together for a social or volunteer event, building bonds and instilling the importance of giving back. Anyone in the Eritrean community can attend a community building event.